domingo, 9 de octubre de 2016

CO2 HAS cycle the end is the oil & gas fossil fuels it begin at the atmosphere

All those fuels fossil is originate from plants and animals. (Organic chemistry teaching since high school), analyze it, the sole source of carbon from plants and animals is the atmosphere, plants not paid them with coal in its roots, the animals eat carbon, eat carbohydrates or sugar. If them animals only eat animals or vegetable and them  only abstain coal through their leaves and of the atmosphere, then the carbon of them hydrocarbons fossil only can cause is of the atmosphere.

In conclusion the only thing we do to burning fossil fuels is to return into the atmosphere the carbon that was originally in the same atmosphere and plants need to survive. By this burn fuels fossil is indispensable for the life.

Incredible is that on the pretext of a theoretical relationship between climate and CO2. It is overlooked an echo as simple as the need of the plant world and consequently the animal world that CO2 back into the atmosphere. 

He even suggested that the big dinosaur extinction was due to depletion of CO2 from the atmosphere and hence the lack of vegetable food, reflected in the huge imbalance that is the accumulation of carbon in the huge reserves of fossil fuels, to the detriment of the impoverishment of the CO2 in the atmosphere. 

It is clear that carbon "fossil fuels" hydrocarbons has its unique origin, the atmosphere, this little detail, "ignored" by all stakeholders "$" in environmental issues was sold to the public as so many other fallacies such as the UFO or the Y2K in campaigns in which could not miss the liars by profession "politicians" Al Gore "and is spread like a disease" , both that even our beloved (PAPA FRANCISCO) to been infected.

The public does not fall into account the crutch that is sold in principle this big lie was #globalwarming, analyze it, that was for 15 years, since 1995 more or less, "mysteriously" inventors and handlers of this big lie, have changed the mantra by #climatechange, they did that natural and evident #globalwarming stopped and was very evident between 2010 to 2014 years really cold.

By that is necessary this lie?
One who loses?, who wins? Help me to make those two lists

sábado, 30 de abril de 2016

CARBON. CO2. Has a LIVE CICLE. IT DESTROY RIDICULOUS #globalwarming theory

 All fossil fuels originate from plants and animals. (Organic chemistry teaching since high school), analyze it, the sole source of carbon from plants and animals is the atmosphere, plants not feed them with coal in its roots, the animals not eat carbon, eat carbohydrates or sugar. 

In conclusion the only thing we do to burning fossil fuels is to return into the atmosphere the carbon that plants need to survive. This burning fossil fuels is essential.

Incredible is that on the pretext of a theoretical relationship between climate and CO2. It is overlooked an echo as simple as the need of the plant world and consequently the animal world that CO2 back into the atmosphere. 

He even suggested that the big dinosaur extinction was due to depletion of CO2 in the atmosphere and therefore the lack of vegetable food, reflected in the huge imbalance that is the accumulation of carbon in the huge reserves of fossil fuels, to the detriment of the impoverishment of the CO2 in the atmosphere. 

Is clear q hydrocarbons carbon "fossil fuels" has its unique origin, the atmosphere, this little detail, "ignored" by all stakeholders "$" in environmental issues was sold to the public as so many other fallacies such as the UFO or the Y2K in campaigns in which could not miss the liars by profession "politicians" Al Gore "and is spread like a disease" so much so that even our beloved (father Francis) to been infected.

The public does not fall into account the crutch that is sold in principle this big lie was #globalwarming, analyze it, that was for 15 years since 1995 more or less, "mysteriously" inventors and handlers of this big lie, have changed the mantra by #climatechange, they did that natural and evident #globalwarming stopped and was very evident between 2010 to 2014 years really cold.

Why is this lie needed?
One who loses?, who wins? Help me to make those two lists


Todos los combustibles fósiles se originan de plantas y animales. (Química orgánica que enseñan desde la secundaria), Analícenlo, la única fuente de carbono de plantas y animales es la atmósfera, a las plantas no se les abona con carbón en sus raíces, ni los animales comen carbón, comen carbohidratos o azúcar. Si los animales solo comen animales o vegetales y los vegetales solo abstienen carbón a través de sus hojas y de la atmósfera, entonces el carbono de los hidrocarburos fósiles solo puede originarse de la atmósfera.

En conclusión lo único que hacemos al quemar combustibles fósiles es devolverle a la atmósfera el carbono que originalmente estuvo en la misma atmósfera y que las plantas necesitan para sobrevivir. Por esto quemar combustibles fósiles es indispensable para la vida.

Es increíble que a pretexto de una teórica relación entre el clima y el CO2. Se pase por alto un echo tan simple como la necesidad de todo el mundo vegetal y por ende el mundo animal de que el CO2 retorne a la atmósfera. 

Incluso planteó que la extinción de los grandes dinosaurios se debió al agotamiento del CO2 de la atmósfera y por ende la falta de alimento vegetal, que se refleja en el gigantesco desequilibrio que constituye la acumulación de carbono en las gigantescas reservas de combustibles fósiles, en perjuicio del empobrecimiento del CO2 indispensable en la atmósfera. 

Es claro q el carbón de los hidrocarburos "combustibles fósiles" tiene su único origen, la atmósfera, este pequeño detalle ,"ignorado" por todos los interesados "$" en los temas ambientales fue vendido al público como tantas otras falacias tales como, los OVNI o el Y2K en campañas en la que no podían faltar los mentirosos de profesión "los políticos " AL GORE " y se propagado como una enfermedad, tanto que incluso nuestro amado (PAPA FRANCISCO) a sido contagiado.

El público no cae en cuenta que la muletilla con que se vendió en principio esta gran mentira fue #globalwarming, analícenlo, eso fue por 15 años, desde 1995 mas o menos, "misteriosamente" los inventores y controladores de esta gran mentira han cambiado la muletilla por #climatechange, lo hicieron por que el natural y evidente #globalwarming se detuvo y fue muy evidente entre el 2010 al 2014 años realmente fríos.

Por que es necesaria esta mentira?
Quien pierde?, quien gana? Ayudenme a hacer esas dos listas